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Feel a connection?

Rainy, cold days… a warm fluffy blanket, blazing fire, good book… a beautiful cup of tea, snuggled up on the couch with absolutely no cares in the world. Now that’s what I call perfect.

Or how about this one :

Sitting on the beach, beautiful sunshine dancing off your skin, digging your toes into the warm sand, hearing the waves crash and break along the shore.

Can you admit that something about these two pictures makes you feel peaceful, relaxed? Well maybe it could just be me :) but I absolutely feel so drawn to these two pictures, where I am imagining myself snuggled on the couch, or feeling the little granules of sand between my toes. I picture it as me in the story, it makes me dream, makes me desire to be the one in the picture.

Here’s another scenario…

Finally being pursued by the one you’ve been hoping to pursue you, feeling and cherishing that love that you’ve been too afraid to feel. Being sought after just the way the prince seeks after the princess, to be rescued by him, to be romanced and treasured.

The other day I was folding my washing and just thinking about how easy it can be for girls’ to give their hearts away. It never really occurred to me before, but did you know that most of the time, when girls become vulnerable, be it with a person, their journal or even just with themselves… our hearts become awakened. There’s immediately a connection there, a special bond that wasn’t there before, and sadly we have all grown to somehow believe that vulnerability is a problem. That it’s desperate and silly to be vulnerable, attention seeking maybe. So instead we just shut ourselves up, keep the problems to ourselves,thinking that we have the strength to do everything on our own. Our answers and desires start to become surface level, there’s no more depth to our hearts as everything is just locked away, hidden in a secret treasure chest.

Did you know that God actually calls us to be vulnerable? I believe that He created women that way, to be vulnerable. There’s one thing that has stuck with me for a while now; vulnerability brings intimacy.

( crickets chirping )

I know it must feel weird to think that God has created us for vulnerability when all that’s happened to us is hurt, rejection and even abandonment, who knows what else when we’ve tried this and it just left us more scarred than anything else.

But something that blew my mind is that God isn’t afraid of our heart’s secrets, He knows how to handle them. Something that I also think that I got wrong in the past is that God doesn’t call us to be needy, desperate women who are vulnerable with just anyone, He calls us to be vulnerable with Him. And through that vulnerability with Him, there’s an intimacy that starts to take place as His heart starts to speak to ours. A bond starts to form that nobody can break.

God is calling us to be intimate with Him, to explore His heart.

And the amazing thing about this intimacy that only GOD provides, is that it brings freedom. A freedom of joy, of identity and strength. We begin to crave His presence more, He doesn’t just become an afterthought.

The challenge now is, to take that step of being vulnerable. He is waiting, arms outstretched. Protect your intimacy with your Dad, it needs to be prioritized and fought for, it doesn’t just come in a day.

We need to learn how to seek His presence, seek His word, seek His heart.

Something that I realised the other day, was that just the way we yearn to be pursued, to be desired and sought after ( be it by a friend, a crush, a parent maybe ), whoever the person is that we wish would notice us… is exactly the same way that God feels about us.

He desires to be pursued, He longs for us to seek Him the way we long for others to like us or want us. I mean, who would have thought right?

Our God is such a jealous God, He craves all of our attention. That’s how much He desires us.

We can be vulnerable with Him, so that He can be vulnerable with us, as deep calls out to deep. The connection that then comes forth is unbreakable, and can only get stronger.



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